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1. Have pride in your patch. Wear it at all times in the presence of other clubs.

2. NO DISCRIMINATION. All races, creeds, religions, and cultures are to be respected.

3. Respect all Exiled affiliates. Support those who support the 52.

4. The Exiled is a GTA 1% club. For specifics, refer to S.O.P.s

5. No killing of Exiled patches or affiliates in public sessions.


6. Consult your hierarchy before instigating conflict, but defend yourself if attacked.

7. Cruiser and chopper style bikes ONLY.

8. Inter-member disputes will be settled at the table. You're adults, act like it.

9. Consult your hierarchy before adding a hangaround to crews or chats.


10. Punishments must be completed within 72 hours after given or further action will be taken.

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