Leader of the Brotherhood. He is responsible for keeping order at church meetings and assists officers in interpreting their duties to the club. Acts as the face of the club within the community. This officer also has the ability to make the deciding vote on club decisions in the event of a split vote.

Second in command of the Brotherhood. To assume control of their Brotherhood in the event that the president is unable to fulfill his duties or is absent for an extended period of time.

Symbol of authority within the Brotherhood. The SAA is responsible for the safety and security of the club's members and prospects. He shall act as an ambassador to other clubs and ensures that the club is prepared for fights. He is responsible for maintaining order and security at all club functions and events.

Responsible for keeping track of and recording club and church meeting proceedings. Organizes 24-hour voting for club decisions.

Brotherhood's financial officer. Responsible for ensuring members have funds for free roam activities and researching effective ways to raise funds within the confines of the game after updates.

Enforces bylaws within the ranks of the club. Responsible for keeping their brothers in check and ensuring they set an example as Exiled towards the community.

The Road Captain is responsible for all club rides and managing the road crew. He shall research, plan, and organize all rides and events. While the club is on a ride, he shall act as the ranking club officer.

Road crew member. Responsible for identifying and neutralizing threats to the club while on rides. Protects any fallen riders during rides until they can rejoin the formation.

Bastards are those within our ranks that are above and beyond what we expect of our members. Never backing down from a fight, helping other members without question, and upholding the standards and bylaws of this club with conviction. Exiled Bastards are the embodiment of brotherhood. This flash is not bestowed lightly and is the first step towards officer status within our ranks. "Takes one to know one". Only Bastards can decide on new Bastards. Unanimous decision required by all

Get 52 kills on an enemy club member. Scorecard for proof.

Take on an enemy club alone and stand your ground.

Make a booze run from the safehouse in public while riding the entire snake trail back to the safehouse.

Obtain a kill while riding into battle with a squad of Exiled.

Take down a hostile aircraft in freemode.

Protect the Banham Canyon safehouse from an attack.

Must be known for killing enemies while on a bike.

Get 5 weapons that are under code to orange tint, does not include dlc weapons.

Complete 520 contracts.

Patch into The Exiled MC.

Patch into The Exiled MC.

Worn by Disciples formerly of The Exiled Los Santos [EBH] Chapter.

Worn by Disciples formerly of The Exiled Banham Canyon [BHC] Chapter.

Worn by the founding members of The Exiled MC. Thank you to these distinguished members for laying out the path of Exiled and establishing this club for all present and future members to experience and be a part of. O.M.E.T.

You had to be there...

You had to be there...

You had to be there...

You had to be there...